Source code for train

#!/usr/bin/env python

import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]class FuzzyArt: """ Train using ART Neural Network :param x: Input data :param rho: Free parameter :param beta: Choice Parameter :param alpha: Learning Rate :param nep: Number of epochs """ def __init__(self,x,T,rho,beta,alpha,nep,update): # Parameters self.rho = rho # Free Parameter self.beta = beta # Choice Parameter self.alpha = alpha # Learning Rate self.nep = nep # Number of epochs # Initilize arrays for training self.min = np.ones((len(x[0])*2,1)) self.normI = np.ones((len(x[0])*2,1)) self.normT = np.ones((len(x[0])*2,1)) = np.zeros((len(T[0])*2,1)) self.m = np.zeros((len(T[0])*2,1)) # State of Training self.training_state = update
[docs] def create(self,I,T,nc,j): """ Resonance did not occur - create new template :param I: Input :param T: Template :param nc: Number of Categories :param j: Input matrix iteration value :return T: Template matrix with new template """ for i in range(len(I)): T[i,nc-1] = I[i,j] return T
[docs] def update(self,I,T,j,cmax): """ Resonance did occur - update new template :param I: Input :param T: Template :param cmax: Maximum choice template location :param j: Input matrix iteration value :return T: Template matrix with update template """ for i in range(len(I)): T[i,cmax] = min(I[i,j],T[i,cmax]) return T
[docs] def match_choice(self,c,norm,normI,normT): """ Checks match criterion Compute choice equation Discovers best choice :param norm: minimum of input and templates :param normI: norm of input :return: returns category choice location """ self.m[c] = norm/normI if self.m[c] < self.rho:[c] = 0 else:[c] = norm/(self.beta + normT) return
[docs] def template_options_loop(self,cmax,chmax,ch,nc): """ Match Criterion :param cmax: Maximum choice (initialized to be -1) :param chmax: Match Criterion (initialized to be -1) :param ch: Template choice :param nc: Number of Categories :return cmax: Maximum choice template location while loop end when -> """ neg = 0 while chmax == -1: if self.m[ch] >= self.rho: chmax =[ch] cmax = ch elif neg == nc: chmax = 0 else:[ch] = -1 ch = neg += 1 return cmax
[docs] def art_train(self,I,T,T_length): """ Train ART - Create Template Matrix :param I: Input Matrix :param T: Template Matrix :param cmax: Max choice (initialized to be -1) :param chmax: Match Criterion (initialized to be -1) :return T: Final Template """ ''' Set first template as first input ''' if self.training_state: nc = T_length else: T[:,0] = I[:,0] nc = 1 for ep in range(self.nep): ''' Initialize number of templates (nc) and loop (j) ''' j = 0 while j < len(I[0]): #print self.min for c in range(0,nc): ''' Initialize chmax and cmax ''' chmax = -1 cmax = -1 ''' i loops through rows of matrix ''' for i in range(len(I)): ''' min of input (I[j]) and template (T[c]) ''' self.min[i] = min(I[i,j],T[i,c]) ''' calculate the magnitude of min ''' norm = self.min.sum() ''' calculate the magnitude of I and T ''' normI = I[:,j].sum() normT = T[:,c].sum() ''' calculate choice & match ''' ch = self.match_choice(c,norm,normI,normT) cmax = self.template_options_loop(cmax,chmax,ch,nc) if cmax == -1: ''' Create New Template ''' nc += 1 T = self.create(I,T,nc,j) else: ''' Update Existing Template ''' T = self.update(I,T,j,cmax) j += 1 return np.transpose(T[:,:nc])
def art_train(x,Tm=[],update=False,rho=0.9,beta=0.000001,alpha=1.0,nep=1): I = np.transpose(np.hstack([x,1 - x])) if update: T = Tm.T T = np.hstack([T,np.ones((len(T),1000))]) else: T = np.ones((len(x[0])*2,len(x)*2)) ann = FuzzyArt(x,T,rho,beta,alpha,nep,update) T = ann.art_train(I,T,len(Tm)) return T if __name__ == '__main__': art_train()